Some products may be available for a limited time only.
If you cannot find what you are looking for please call (888) 715-9909.
Announcing the Millpledge and Eickemeyer Partnership Please click here for more information.
General questions regarding Millpledge services & products.
Some products may be available for a limited time only.
If you cannot find what you are looking for please call (888) 715-9909.
We do our best to ensure all complaints are dealt with promptly. Call (888) 715-9909 or use the online form on the Contact Page. You can also email us on
Some products may only be available as a special order. Call us for advice.
Millpledge’s products are available through a number of distribution and wholesale partners across the globe, we work with both large and small distributors and partners. Please send us a message through our ‘Contact Page’ / ‘Create Account’ or email with your enquiry, we look forward to working with you.
We welcome your enquiries, please send us a message via ‘Create Account’ and select ‘Private Label’.
All the following cards are accepted as payment
Graham Cheslyn-Curtis set up our head office at a converted farm in the Nottinghamshire countryside where a windmill once stood on a hill close by. It gave the name of the company and made a distinctive identity for a pharmaceutical business. When Millpledge concentrated on veterinary products the logo was already recognisable so it stuck.
ISO 9001 & 13485 High Quality Manufacturing for over 30 years
VN’s or RVT’s on hand to support your business
Products Designed and Developed for the Veterinary professional